Law Office of

William P. Johnson

William P. Johnson   RF Engineer -Attorney - Counselor-at-Law 

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Federal Communications Commission


FCC RF Safety Page


FCC Broadband Speed Guide


FCC Tower and Antenna Siting Page


Telecommunications Act of 1996 (local municipal requirements see Sec. 260) (47 USC 26) (US GPO)


Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2012 (local municipality handling of “eligible facility” co-location requests (see SEC. 6409) (47 USC 1455)


2009 Initial FCC “Shot Clock” Requirements (press release) (for details see FCC Declaratory Ruling 09-99)


2018 FCC Third Report and Order and Declaratory Ruling
FCC 18-133
 (adopting two new “shot clocks” for small cells sites and clarifying scope of Sections 253 and 332(c)(7) for small wireless facilities).



FCC Resources