Law Office of

William P. Johnson

William P. Johnson   RF Engineer -Attorney - Counselor-at-Law 

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New York Division of Local Government Services manual “Planning and Design Manual for the Review of Applications for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities” (March, 2001) (co-authored by Prof. Johnson) (Note: The legal and technical sections are dated and now obsolete, but the aesthetic review section is very informative for local municipal boards).


Martin Cooper’s 2010 interview on CBS’s show “60 Minutes” titled “Marty’s Big Idea” (Cooper was the first to make a cell phone call through the public switched telephone network — to his competitor). 


Local Government Handbook (934 kB pdf from NYDOS web site)

From the DoS Web Site: “The Local Government Handbook is an authoritative source of information about the origins and operations of the Empire State, including a brief history and overview of federal, state, and local government and describing their evolving relationships, structures, and functions.”

New York State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)  DEC SEQR Web Site






Android RIT Cellular Metrics App


Android App for Mapping Wireless Service Quality by Provider (Beta version under development at Rochester Institute of Technology).

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